Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about honey, how to store it, and where it comes from.

  • My honey has crystallized.  What do I do?
    • You could do nothing.  Crystallized honey is just honey that has started to solidify into sugar crystals.  It can be used just like liquid honey, except it’s easier to spread!
    • If you want to liquify your honey, place it into a bath of warm water until or use short, 20-second bursts in the microwave until it is liquid again.  Try to avoid heating it too much, as that will destroy the beneficial enzymes that are in it.  If it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for honey.
  • Should I store honey in the fridge?  In the cupboard?  In my tummy?
    • From My Hive natural honey has enzymes in it that will protect against bacterial contamination that causes honey to go bad.  Putting it in the fridge may make it crystallize faster, which may be what you’re after.  It is not required to keep your honey “fresh,” however.
    • As long as it is sealed against moisture, you do not need to do anything special to store it.  Honey will absorb moisture from the air, and it it this process that will cause it to go bad, similar to the way fruit juice will go bad if left out.  A well-sealed glass jar out of direct sunlight is fine.
    • Properly stored, honey may even outlast you!  Edible honey has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, still liquid after thousands of years!!
  • Is raw honey dangerous to kids or other people?
    • Some honey may or may or not, might contain a bacterium that causes a form of botulism in small children (under one year of age).  So honey should never be given to anyone under the age of 1, since their digestive tract has not developed enough to provide protection against this bacterium.  Other than that, honey is safe for everyone.
  • Can I use honey instead of sugar?
    • Honey (from honeybees, anyway) is made up of fructose and glucose, and can be used as a straight substitute for sugar.  Some recipes may need to be modified to adjust for the taste that honey provides compared to sugar, but they are of the same approximate sweetness.
    • Technically, honey is about 5-15% sweeter than table sugar depending on the specific nectars used to produce the honey.